Finals season is right around the corner, and while many are studying day and night, others are not feeling the stress that finals put upon them. Mark Keppel High school finals start next week on December 16, 17 and 18. Keppel students had a lot on their minds to share about this stress-inducing week.
In an interview with Elcee Ayala, MKHS junior, she states, “To prepare for finals, I am staying home and not engaging in any other activities. I’m scared for finals but I think I’m going to do okay; two of my classes aren’t going to give finals which is better for me. I haven’t started studying yet.”
Xavier Huerta, a junior at Mark Keppel High School, states, “I feel nervous for finals because I missed class a lot because of wrestling tournaments, even though I’m nervous I still think I’m going to do well on all my finals. I haven’t started studying yet but I think I’m going to get 100 percent. The hardest class I have to study for is physics.”
Junior Janelle Fernandez says, “I am staying [up] all night studying, I am drinking caffeine shots and studying till I can’t anymore. I don’t care about finals. I hate finals, it’s the worst time of the school year.” When asked if all her classes are giving finals, she said, “No.” Fernandez added, “I think I’m going to do amazing on the finals and pass all of my classes. I’ve been studying since the day I got in school.”
In conclusion, finals are coming up and many need to get ready. It is a stressful week so get well prepared and rested. Once they are over, there will be relief and relaxation for all students.
Finals Week
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About the Contributors

Mariah Bonilla, Staff Writer
Mariah Bonilla is a junior at Mark Keppel High School. In her free time she likes to listen to music. She enjoys hanging out with her friends! As well as her cat and dog.

Morgan Hernandez, Staff Writer
Morgan Hernandez is a junior at Mark Keppel High School. She enjoys listening to music and hanging out with her friends. Her favorite movie is Coraline and she loves her two cats Binx and Froggy!