Amazon workers worldwide went on a strike during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The workers are demanding more pay and better working conditions. Those two days are the busiest shopping periods of the year. This is their fifth year going on strike and the strike is called “Make Amazon Pay”, it has taken place in over 20 countries . The workers want Amazon to be held accountable for how they are taking advantage of their workers and the working space they have to work in.
Many workers are walking out while being on the clock or are quitting their jobs at Amazon. Others have made banners that say “Make Amazon Pay” and are holding them up while holding strikes. The workers are posting their struggles on social media in order to make more awareness of their situation. They are hoping that their videos reach the mass media and can improve their jobs.
Abigail Hernandez, a junior at Mark Keppel High School, was asked what she thinks about the strikes, and she said “I think it is good because the holiday season is coming up and a lot of people shop on Amazon.” When junior Rebekah Galech was asked about her opinion on the strikes, she said, “I don’t really order from Amazon, so it doesn’t affect me.Though I wonder what the causes of the strikes were.”
Although the strikes aren’t going to last for long, will they still have an impact on the community itself? Despite this, Amazon still seems to be running smoothly, with no problems regarding shipments of customers packages.
Amazon Worker Strikes
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About the Contributor
Maryjane Olivares, Staff Writer
Maryjane Olivares is a junior at Mark Keppel High School and is a writer of the Aztec News. She is a part of Link Crew, as well as SkillsUSA, and many other fun clubs/extracurriculars! She regularly hangs out with friends, and spends free time reading books, playing guitar, singing and playing games. She also likes caffeinated drinks, as well as many sweets, mostly with chocolate servings in them. If you ever see her around, stop by and say hi! ⋆⁺₊⋆ 。☆