Mark Keppel’s spring musical, Avenue Q, has finally arrived! The musical, a parody of Sesame Street, has a context of sensitive topics such as homosexuality and racism. Written by Robert Lopez and Jeff Marx, the characters you see on stage are puppets that are moved around by actors. Keppel actors partook in a workshop where they handmade their own puppets that you see onstage.
Kalong Juan, who plays the lead role of Princeton, is a senior at Mark Keppel High School. It is also his first musical and Theatre Company show in his high school career. To elaborate, he said, “I wanted to do something for my last year. I really wanted to participate in something and I’ve really enjoyed it so far. I was actually really shocked [getting the lead role] because I didn’t believe in my abilities or have much confidence. It’s my first year so I didn’t expect to earn it.”
Cheyenne Tougas, who plays the lead role of Kate, is a junior. This is her fourth show with Keppel’s Theatre Company. Last year, she played the supporting role of Karen in the spring musical, “Mean Girls.” “I was so surprised that I got Kate, and I was so surprised that I got Karen [last year].” Tougas says she relates to her character, Kate. “Oh my gosh! She’s so cute! I think we have very similar personalities. She’s fun.”
On top of learning lines and stage directions, the Keppel actors have to learn dance moves and song lyrics. They had around 60 rehearsals over a two month span. Marcelo Martinez, the Choir director and vocal coach for the musical and Caitlin Testa, the dance coach for the musical, have also accumulated similar hours in order to make the show into perfection.
Caitlin Testa works at Baldwin and Ramona Elementary for their theatre productions. “I’m an elementary drama teacher and Mrs. P is my mentor. She asked me if I would be interested in helping with the dance.” However, this isn’t Testa’s first rodeo with Keppel. “This is my third year working with [Keppel]. I love working with [Keppel]. I love [getting] a whole range of students. It is so much fun.”
The spring musical, Avenue Q, has its opening night on Friday, March 7, at 7:00 p.m. They have additional shows on Saturday, March 8, Friday, March 14, and the final show is Saturday, March 15. The actors have worked relentlessly throughout January and February, and their hard work will show throughout the duration of the show.