Attention Mark Keppel seniors! The graduating Class of 2025 are now graduating at ELAC instead of the Rose Bowl due to conflicting dates and events happening at the same time. Class of 2025 would be returning back to ELAC as for the previous four classes it has been held at the Rose Bowl.
In an interview with B&A (Business and Activities) Assistant Principal, Mr. Ines, he announced that, “Part of the reason for the moving of the graduation was because of the events that are going to take place at the Rose Bowl; the Olympics being one of them and the 2026 World Cup, so many venues in Los Angeles will be updating their facilities.” When asked about Mr. Ines’ opinion on the change, he stated, “I just like it a lot more because one it is closer to our community. There are students who go to ELAC right afterwards, so they’re already familiar with it. I just think it’s more convenient, not that Rose Bowl wasn’t, it’s just farther and deeper into Pasadena.”
Johanna Aledia, a senior on the Dance Team, was already aware that her class, class of 2025, would be graduating at ELAC instead of the Rose Bowl. She voiced, “I’m pretty bummed out that we aren’t graduating at the Rose Bowl; I’m okay with graduating at ELAC but I would’ve preferred the Rose Bowl.” Even though the location changed, she doesn’t think it would affect the experience aside from the fact that the Rose Bowl is bigger than ELAC and it could probably, “seat way more individuals and families.” However, she does think that for the students who are planning on attending ELAC, “it would be beneficial for them because they would be able to navigate around the school and see what it’s and how big the school is.”
“I was not aware of this,” stated Kira Miramatsu, a senior and captain of the Varsity Girls’ Soccer Team. “What the hell? Is Keppel cheap? I definitely prefer the Rose Bowl over ELAC. I was looking very forward to graduating at the Rose Bowl, and I think it’s unfair that they are just changing it back to ELAC now.”
Aiken Zheng, a senior and member of the MKHS Band, who also knew that they wouldn’t be graduating at the Rose Bowl since the beginning of the year. Upon hearing that news, it upset him. “I was told that the possible options were ELAC, MKHS, or SGHS.” After four years at Mark Keppel, he was looking forward to graduating at the Rose Bowl, similar to his classmates also graduating this year. Aiken believes, “graduating at the Rose Bowl truly represents a new beginning where we get to finally take a step out of the high school bubble, and expand our visions and our life experiences.” He has a feeling that the change in location has to do with the school funding and although he understands the situation, “it doesn’t make up for my desire to graduate at the Rose Bowl.”
The graduation date for Mark Keppel High School will be on May 28, 2025, two days before the last day of school, May 30, 2025. Other AUSD schools like Alhambra High School will be on May 30, 2025, the last day of school, and Saturday, May 31, 2025 for San Gabriel High School.