AUSD employees receive Covid vaccine

Soraya Shafer, The Aztec

On Tuesday, March 2nd, AUSD and Garvey district employees attended a vaccination clinic at Mark Keppel High School from 8am-4pm to receive the first of two Moderna Covid-19 vaccines. According to AUSD officials, about 900 shots were administered. John Scanlon, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources for AUSD, said that the Garvey district was included with AUSD because “Garvey also services students from the Monterey Park area and it made sense to have all of the city resources in one place.”

Mr.Scanlon also stated that there will be another first dose opportunity this coming Thursday in Arcadia. “We will send out more info once we have it. Second doses will be scheduled for the week after Spring Break.”

AUSD and Garvey School District employees pateintly wait in their cars on Hellman Avenue to receive their first Covid-19 vaccine at MKHS on March 2.
(J. Yaklich)
Student nurses from Azusa Pacific University help to administer Covid-19 vaccines to AUSD and Garvey schools employees. (J. Yaklich)